How It Works

Fill Out the Form Below
Please take a moment to fill out the form below. We kindly ask you to be as specific as possible so we can provide you with an accurate quote. In the last tab, you will find a box where you can add a link to an inspiration image that will serve us as a guide to what you're envisioning. Also, you can send us an email with more inspiration images.
24-48 Hours Later
Once you submit your request, please allow us 24-48 hours to respond. Filling out this form does not mean you placed an order. We will work on your quote based on the information and design provided. We usually require at least a week in advance for custom cake orders. We will send out the proposal for your approval and final details.
Order Confirmation
After the proposal has been approved, we require full payment in advance to confirm your order. This may vary for wedding cakes and big cakes. After payment has been received, your order is confirmed and ready for pick up on the selected date!